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- Born 1963, married, 4 children
- Graduating from medical school 1992
- Psychotherapy training
- Systemic family therapy with Prof. Mattejat, Marburg
- Specialization in child and adolescence psychiatry
- Vice-Head of clinical department 1999-2000
- Own practice since 2001 leading a multi-professional team of therapists
- Supervisory work in educational fields since 2001
- Teaching staff and supervisor in the training of psychotherapist for children and adolescents
- Psychodynamic Th. (CIP Munich)
- Cognitive-Behavioral Th. (IVS Fuerth; dgvtA Erlangen)
- Continuous meditation practice since 2007
- Basic training in MBSR with Petra Meibert and Linda Lehrhaupt (
- Zen and Mindfulness with Linda Lehrhaupt 2011 - 2015
- 1,5 year training in mindfulness and psychotherapy, Institute for Mindfulness , Cologne
- CFT (Compassion Focused Therapy) advanced skills training with Chris Irons and Paul Gilbert
Teacher trainings in Mindfulness Based Interventions:
- MSC (Mindful Self-Compassion) with Chris Germer and Kristin Neff (;
„Certified Teacher" through UCSD Center for Mindfulness
- MBCL (Mindfulness Based Compassionate Living) with Frits Koster and Erik van den Brink
- MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) (
- Mindful Parenting and MYmind (Mindfulness Training with adolescents) with Prof. Susan Boegels
- Mindful Compassionate Parenting ( own course developement)
- PNT (Positive Neuroplasticity) Professional Training with Rick Hanson
- Trainer for mindfulness teachers with Arbor
- Teaching assignment for Mindful Parenting at the University KPH Wien/Krems
- Author of „Wir Eltern sind auch nur Menschen – Selbstmitgefühl zwischen Säbelzahntiger und Smartphone“ Arbor, Freiburg 2018
In mindfulness and self compassion I find a very helpful direction for my own personal development and I
hold up a continuous meditation practice.
Besides using elements of mindfulness and self compassion in therapy and coaching I like to share and teach specifically in group settings and courses. It can be so helpful to give oneself the space for experiences and to share these with others and be able to support each other.
I believe that so many of the urgent and most serious problems in this world are based on a lack of mindfulness and self-/-compassion. But we all can do something about that: "Be the change you want to see in this world" (Ghandi).
I am convinced that our personal development to incorporate more mindfulness, compassion and selfcompassion is a kind of inner and outer peace work. I hope to be able to make a small contribution in my seminars and courses
for a vision:
One interconnected family of humanity, in which we all encounter
ourselves, each other, all feeling beings and all of nature with:
Mindfulness and compassion ...
Loving kindness and wisdom ...
In this extraordinary and creative dance of live filled with all it's joy and suffering ...
Joerg Mangold
Three important threads of my life are woven together in the development of Mindful Compassionate Parenting: Being a mindfulness teacher, a psychiatrist and psychotherapist working with kids and their parents and being a father.
Modern times are so challenging for parents and leading them into optimizing traps.
Therefore I wrote a self-help book for parents leading from neuroscience to everyday implementation in family life (published at this point in German only, Arbor, Freiburg 2018): „Wir Eltern sind auch nur Menschen – Selbstmitgefühl zwischen Säbelzahntiger und Smartphone!“ The titel translates into: „As Parents we are only human. Finding Self-Compassion between Sabertooth and Smartphone.“
There is a corresponding video course out with exercises, meditations and instructions how to integrate into everyday life.
I am convinced that cultivating mindfulness and self-/-compassion is one of the best gifts we parents have for our children to enable them for wellbeing in life.
You find more information and can order on
I am grateful to have taken up this profession: To be able to be a companion in the development of young people, to support and counsel families and try to assist in removing the hindering facts for personal development is a touching, always diverse and sometimes very moving way of working, once it comes to give support when the soul has to cope with severe injuries. It is wonderful to see the energy of life in children and adolescents being set free and pushing their personal development.
I am very grateful for being able to share this work with the most competent team you can wish for in my practice.
To give adult clients, all alone responsible for themselves, company for some stretch on their own path through crisis, along their wish for developing their selves, their strive for a fulfilling partnerships, when searching for visions in their personal and professional life, that is very wonderful position, which is enriching for oneself just as well.
Meeting the people in these regions of the world, where the basic demands of life like health care and education are not satisfied, made a deep impression on my life in Nepal and later on in Liberia. Everyone who is able to live warm, dry, not hungry and with a financial well being, is able to contribute to "share-the-planet" and he will be the one who will be enriched in his development by sharing. Joyfully I made this experience over and over again while developing and installing the projects of the charitable NGO I founded in 2008: ARAGUA e.V. I made good friends in other parts of this world and widened my personal horizon.
I see strong parallels between a respectful and sharing humanitarian work „over there“ with the job of going side by side with individual clients on their path of personal development „here“ while coaching or doing therapy.
Joerg Mangold
Vogteiplatz 12, 91567 Herrieden
Phone: 09825 - 3619933,